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Witnessing the Baltimore Riots of 2015


In 2015, the city of Baltimore went nuts after hearing what happened to Freddie Gray as he died by the police throwing him around and not treating him right and those injuries killed him. Hundreds of Baltimore citizens protested against the apparent mistreatment of Freddie Gray as well against inadequate and inconsistent information on police actions during the arrest and transport. People were looting, destroying property and attacking the police. They even burned down a CVS before the trial was held. The riots and protests lasted a while and was just the start of the future ones to come.

Transcript of interview with Ray Danbrowney.

ND: Where did you grow up and occupation and age?

RD: I grew up in Clifton, New Jersey my occupation is security and age is 57.

ND: Now where were you when the Baltimore riots broke out?

RD:  I was home I was watching Netflix, I didn’t have regular tv at the time. Pat Sweeney called me up he was an ex detective and body guard for Kevin Spacey. He asked me to work the riots in baltimore 

ND: And what was the craziest events that happened when you were there?

RD: There was a strange man walking across every single tv station with a weird mask on and he looked spooky looking and scary looking so we had to stop him.

ND: What was your reaction to the events going on there?

RD: My reaction was i couldn’t believe this kind of povert?y existed in the united states today it was unbelievable there were no food stores they had to wheel food in because the crime was so high and the homelessness was horrible along with boarded up housing projects.

ND: And were protecting Fox News right?

RD:That’s correct.

ND: And finally how did this affect your life?

RD: It affect my life by that I thank God for what I have today because we don’t understand the poverty is so bad that these people don’t even eat or have a home they live day to day. 

ND : Thank you for your time 

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The Baltimore protests over Freddie Gray’s death, explained

Baltimore was roiled by weeks of tense protests after the April 19 2015 death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody. But the justice system ultimately punished no one for it.


People are protesting all over the city and there’s violence and crime everywhere. The death of Freddie Gray has ruptured the city of baltimore.